The future of chemistry
Hélène Lebel presents her ideas on flow batteries. During a joint meeting between researchers from IVADO and the Acceleration Consortium from the U. Toronto researchers presented their ideas on how chemistry will be transformed with the help of AI.
And there was light!
2D coherent spectroscopy Mathieu was in Atlanta checking out the 2D spectroscopy set-up in Prof. Silva’s laboratory.
Avner Fitterman presented at the meeting of the Axe Quantique of the RQMP
Avner is presenting the toric code. Avner is in the back at the lectern. In the front on the left side is Prof. Louis Taillefer from UdeS and on the right is Prof. Bradley Siwick from McGill.
Times they are a changing!
We are happy to announce that Lorena Reis De Lima has joined the group as a PhD student.
Annual raclette
We had a great night of Raclette with “Tischgrill” to start off the holiday season. It’s always an honor when former graduate students of mine are attending. Of course Nova had to stick her nose into the picture!